Telangana government to use EVs on monthly-hire, calls for fleet operators to empanel

The Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corporation (TSREDCO) has invited bids for the empanelment of travel firms, agencies, and fleet operators to supply electric cars on a monthly hire basis (2,500 km/month) for official use across Telangana by state government departments and corporations.
The last date for submission of bids is 16 January 2021. Bidders are expected to make a non-refundable payment of ₹5,000 (~$68.43).
Qualified bidders will be empanelled to provide commercial electric vehicles, with or without drivers, and vehicle charging infrastructure. The contract will be valid for three years from the date of issue of the work order.
The contract will be operative for one year and may be extended subsequently, on mutual consent, on the same terms and conditions, for more than one year at a time. The decision will be based on the review of performance and the office’s requirements and administrative conveniences.
The tender is open for firms, fleet operators, agencies, partnership firms or companies and start-ups that fulfill the respective eligibility criteria.
In the case that the bidder is a firm, fleet operator, or agency,
- The bidder should have experience in supplying four-wheeler vehicles (internal combustion engine vehicles or electric vehicles) to the public sector or private sector entities for a minimum of one year.
- The bidder should own or lease a minimum of one four-wheeler vehicle (internal combustion engine vehicles or electric vehicles) registered as commercial vehicles in their company or firm’s name for use. The proof of ownership or lease holding should be produced along with the qualifying bid documents.
- The minimum turnover of the company has to be ₹5 million (~$68,425.20) per annum (certified by CA).
The bidder is not obliged to own or lease a commercially registered electric vehicle for empanelment. However, the bidder must demonstrate the ability to obtain electric cars on an ownership or lease basis.
Successful bidder or bidders must deposit a performance security guarantee bond for two months in the form of a bank guarantee or demand draft valid for 15 months.
Recently, the Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) also floated a tender seeking to hire a fleet management agency to deploy its electric cars to government organizations or public sector undertakings on a lease or rental model across India.