Mumbai-based startup Everest Fleet providing commute for frontline workers

Everest Fleet was founded in 2016 by angel investor Siddharth Ladsariya. It also partnered with Uber to provide cars to the ride-hailing giant in Mumbai and Bengaluru. But after the lockdown, Everest Fleet has been providing its services to the frontline workers.
“In order to ease commuting, we request passengers to provide documents to prove that their travel is essential, as specified under the government’s guidelines. And only two passengers are allowed per car,” Siddharth says.
The emergency services of startup are free for individuals with yellow ration cards (below poverty line). For regular citizens, it is charging Rs 500 per ride, and Rs 250 per ride for government officials and public hospital staff.
The startup has completed 10,000 plus rides in the last 30 days, of which 90 percent has been within Mumbai. At present, Everest Fleet is reaching out to banks, hospitals, and government institutions to provide commuting assistance to its staff.
These services are currently being rendered in Mumbai, Thane, and Navi Mumbai.