GCF and 5GAA partner on C-V2X certification

The Global Certification Forum (GCF) and the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) announced a partnership that will support the drive for interoperability, reliability, and safety of emerging cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) systems. 5GAA has been working with GCF, the organisation instrumental in establishing initiatives shaping the wireless communication industry since 1999, to develop an innovative new programme that lays the foundations for the certification of the radio layer of C-V2X, upon which trusted applications can be developed.
The use of C-V2X communications is fundamental to the growth and adoption of next-generation automotive systems. Direct wireless communication between vehicles, and between vehicles and infrastructure, will lead to safer and more efficient intelligent transportation systems. Certification of all these elements to global standards is essential to ensure the peace of mind of manufacturers and users alike.
Under the agreement with 5GAA, GCF has established a programme that will enable manufacturers to certify their C-V2X capable products – including onboard units (OBU) and roadside units (RSU) – for C-V2X PC5 Mode 4 functionality. PC5 Mode 4, standardised by 3GPP, allows for direct communications between vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) equipment without the need to connect to the cellular network.
Lars Nielsen, GCF CEO and general manager, commented: “GCF brings to the table over 20 years of best practice and wireless certification know-how, while 5GAA brings the global reach of the automotive ecosystem and expertise in automotive specific requirements. The combination of the two organisations will result in a best-in-class certification programme for the automotive industry that prepares the way for safe, secure and interoperable communications between vehicles, people, and networks.”
“We are proud to engage with GCF for this first part of a multiphase certification programme,” said 5GAA CTO Maxime Flament. “This new agreement represents another crucial step that will grant trusted foundations for CV2X applications globally, leading to a safer and more efficient transportation system.”
The programme will evolve from radio layer certification of PC5 Mode 4 (V2V and V2I) to LTE and 5G-NR based V2X-Uu (V2N) using the 4G and 5G cellular network for communications, taking advantage of the increased functionality and performance that 5G brings. The GCF C-V2X programme focuses on the radio layer while allowing the industry to develop applications that can sit on top.
GCF’s new certification programme, and the resulting confidence in interoperability, will benefit various C-V2X stakeholders. Tier 1 manufacturers of OBUs and RSUs can ensure their products are interoperable with each other in terms of V2V functionality; vehicle manufacturers can rely on intelligent connectivity within automobiles; and insurance companies will have the opportunity to monitor for safe driving practices. In addition, municipal traffic authorities will be able to trust in the ability of products to operate over their infrastructure, maintaining traffic flows, and all road users – including cyclists and pedestrians, as well as drivers – can look forward to the safer roads promised by intelligent mobility.