Finally, a Cutting-Edge Solution to Supervise Energy Systems in MOTION MOVENS Eye

PROS: Device-agnostic software developed in accordance with Open Standard Protocols for secure interoperability and vertical developments.
CONS: Requires reverse engineering of protocols in case of undocumented devices. Up to 100mA of additional device consumption onboard for standard box supplied. Not suitable for aerospace applications.
The energy sector is undergoing profound changes on a global scale and is growing fast. Firstly, renewable energy sources and digitalization are contributing to a relevant shift from the traditional model of centralized power generation to one more distributed where the “prosumers” may generate, self-consume, store, and even give electricity back to the grid. Secondly, the request for powerful car batteries capable of storing and sharing energy with private and public infrastructures is set to increase as the global electric vehicle market is expected to annually growth around 40.7% by 2027. Thirdly, the rising adoption of IoT-based technologies for smart grid applications in multiple industries, from automotive, bus, truck to battery manufacturing, buildings, and overall, in the field of services is predicted to reach nearly $85 billion by 2026.
The great challenge is to integrate the highly detailed data, generated from energy ecosystem components, into one-single platform, easy to use, designed for both managers and engineers in Mobility, Finance and Energy Companies.
MOVENS Eye handles the complexity behind the whole process, so the customers can focus on analyzing data, troubleshooting and tuning their assets for optimal performance.
We recently tested MOVENS Eye, a technical remote “entity” supervision platform for energy systems developed by Henshin Group which, compared to other IoT platform architectures currently available on the market, has been designed for easy integration with a large variety of battery, and energy related, applications, highly scalable, well-tailored to meet customers’ needs, and focused on ensuring evolving maximum interoperability as evolving in accordance with international standards set by MOBI (Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative).
Primary benefits:
- Remote and real-time monitoring of energy systems (HEV, EV, wall boxes, energy-high-consuming devices, etc.) using external sensors and digital bus connections.
- Designed to help engineers to optimize and troubleshoot their systems, improve end-user support and keep track of costs/values of assets.
- Aimed to energy consumption reduction, energy performance improvement and cost optimization.
- Predictive diagnosis of any energy system based on both anomaly detection and user errors, using heuristic rules or AI models.
- Energy System technical history and advanced statistics for highly efficient management.
- Predictive models of network loads for energy balancing.
- Multiple applications in energy and mobility ecosystems, i.e., buildings, vehicle to grid (V2G), car sharing.
- Simple and full featured web frontend
- Complete set of API for integrations and customization.
- Based on cutting edge technologies (Kubernetes, Kafka, time series distributed databases, blockchain, …)
Main features:

MOVENS Eye enables to unlock the business value of connected batteries: it supervises battery management system (BMS) across entire vehicle fleets directly from your own cloud server. In addition to telemetry functions – such as real-time vehicle tracking and monitoring – MOVENS Eye includes the remote supervisory control system for electric powertrain and the collection of a massive amount and variety of vehicle data (sensors and CANBUS) to evaluate in-depth battery state of charge (SOC) and battery state of health (SOH).
MOVENS Eye is based on Open Standard Protocols like MQTT, is already compliant with OBD2 Standard and supporting various devices including Owasys, Mobility on Cloud, Teltonika, TTcontrol.
The Energy IoT platform can be easily connected by means of onboard AVL (i.e., BCU) or a AVL box already installed. This device can be installed in aftermarket or can be already setup by the OEM, no special requirements are needed to be compliant with it.
An example of AVL device used for remote BMS: Owasys
VERDICT: Finally, available on the market today, a reliable, flexible, secure, and scalable IoT platform oriented to energy systems management, with qualified performance for multipurpose solutions. Highly tailored to meet customers’ needs. It is totally worth the money and the hype.
- Performance: 5*
- Features: 5*
- Support/ Installation: 5*
- Price: 3*