Avanci announces patent license agreement with Ford

Avanci announced that it has signed a patent license agreement with Ford Motor Company. With one agreement, Ford gains access to all 4G, 3G, and 2G standard essential patents owned by the 49 patent owners currently participating in the Avanci licensing program, as well as any patent owner who joins the program in the future, for use in Ford’s connected vehicles.
“Avanci extends a warm welcome to Ford, one of the world’s leading automotive manufacturers,” said Kasim Alfalahi, founder and chief executive officer of Avanci. “Ford is the fifth US-based automaker to join the growing list of companies who have adopted the industry solution offered by our independent marketplace.”
Avanci has transformed the way the owners of patented cellular technology and automakers share technology, by offering a single joint license to the majority cellular standard essential patents on a set of transparent licensing terms that have been widely accepted by licensors and licensees. A total of 41 auto brands and more than 65 million vehicles are now licensed by Avanci.