Vehicle Telematics

Choose telematics for a greener, more sustainable planet!

A brand new lens

Retrieving data and facilitating its exchange forms the cornerstone of the telematics industry. In the past few decades, advancements in telematics have taken a quantum leap. Within no time, telematics and its descendants have become a piece of standard equipment for all vehicles. And that is because telematics has repeatedly helped businesses heighten safety and security. On the other hand, the role of telematics in enhancing the economic viability of vehicles cannot be belittled. Organizations are saving thousands of bucks every month—thanks to telematics and its wide range of applications.

But what’s next? As the new year dawns upon us, we should look at telematics through a new lens. We’ve talked about driver safety, we’ve talked about building vehicular economies. Now let’s talk telematics in the light of planet sustenance.

How sustainability looks like in an increasingly industrialized world

Vehicles consume a lot of energy even before they hit the road. When they run, these vehicles consume petroleum products—a big environmental red flag. Extraction, distillation, and combustion of petrol is an energy-intensive process. Not only does this take a toll on our natural recourses but also releases bi-products like carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Toxins like these enter our atmosphere and contaminate the very air we breathe.

The United Nations confirms 2019 to be the hottest year on record for our planet. The WMO (World Meteorological Organization) commented that “on the current path of carbon dioxide emissions, we are heading towards a temperature increase of 3 to 5 ℃ by the end of the century.” Hence, global warming is no longer an issue we can put on the back burner, and organizations across the globe are quickly realizing that.

Planet sustainability is a very desirable brand attribute. Sustainability begins when an organization recognizes the limited nature of the earth’s natural resources. It starts when an organization attempts to use its resources more efficiently and sparingly.

Organizations, including and especially the transport sector, are trying to better manage their energy resources like fuel, gas, and electricity. Sustainability for the transport sector means reducing emissions. It means lower carbon footprints. Therefore, businesses in this niche are constantly seeking intentional means to regulate vehicle emissions and resource consumption.

Telematics is good for your business. And for our planet!

With telematics, fleet managers and businesses have access to insights — that weren’t available to them a decade ago. Telematics has equipped businesses with the tools to monitor and reduce their energy consumption. Organizations can use telemetry data to understand fleet consumption trends and optimize energy usage—for better profits and a greener planet.

  1. Fuel Management

Cutting down your fuel consumption is the easiest way to lower carbon emissions. How can you do that? By using an effective fuel management system. Fuel management systems deploy a combination of hardware and software. Collectively, they record and transmit accurate fuel-level data. At the end of the day, you will know all fuel drainage and refill events. Additionally, a fuel management system can identify fraudulence and abnormalities. Hence, helping you reduce fuel waste.

  1.  Route Optimization

Recalculating routes and finding the most efficient ones will not only reduce your driving hours but also bring down your fuel needs. Real-time optimization can get your fleet from one job site to another quicker than before. You’ll avoid detours and traffic-jammed roads. You’ll streamline deliveries. Lesser time spent on the road means fewer emissions of greenhouse gases.

  1. Alerts

Every year, 6 billion gallons of diesel fuel and gasoline are consumed when vehicles idle. Idling drain natural resources as well as company time. Since you can’t be with your drivers at every turn of the road, we’ve got a solution. With telematics and GPS tracking platform, you’ll get alerts for idling, harsh-braking, or overspeeding. Be the first one to know when your driver exhibits poor driving habits. Stop them through mindful coaching and video evidence.

Investing in a telematics solution may be easier and more advantageous than you think. It can help your organization manage fleets sustainably. Monitor energy consumption through pragmatic reports and charts. Get visibility into all your fleet operations. With telematics, you’ll adopt a data-driven approach to lower fuel consumption and reduce inefficiencies. You’ll decrease operational costs while promoting green practices. Telematics is an invaluable tool for businesses that are truly trying to be more environmentally sustainable.

In a nutshell

The goal of creating a more sustainable planet will not be accomplished overnight. It is not even going to be easy. Humans need natural resources to survive. Hence, the more intentionally we use them, the more resources are left in reserve for the upcoming generations. Adopting telematics and green fleet technologies is a start. Real change happens when people are held accountable. Encourage your organization to rise up to the standards of ecological living. Access real-time data and use it to make choices that help your business and our planet.




Tushar Bhagat


Uffizio India Pvt. Ltd.

Mr. Tushar Bhagat is the CEO of Uffizio. He has simmered 15 years worth of informatics knowledge & experience into a one-of-a-kind telematics platform. This fleet management system has been acclaimed and widely used by businesses in over 60 countries. Mr. Bhagat firmly believes in finding creative solutions to everyday challenges—so businesses can bloom into their full potential.

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